Jesse Kalter Has the Experience to Present Possible Defenses for Sex Crimes
Contacting an experienced sexual assault attorney as soon as possible after being accused of sex crimes is the best way to get a favorable outcome. This allows the evidence to be evaluated and witnesses to be questioned before it’s too late. Sexual assault charges and all other sex crimes are taken very seriously by law enforcement and prosecuting attorneys. They will do whatever it takes to make sure that those charged face the strictest possible penalties.

Possible Defenses for Sex Crimes
1. False Accusations
An experienced sexual assault lawyer will look for ways to discredit the alleged victim by identifying areas where they might be hiding the truth or obstructing justice. False accusations and victim motivation are both areas to explore in court. The alleged victim could be seeking revenge for an unrelated matter, or they could be accusing the wrong person.
2. The Accuser Consented to the Sex
Consent is a defense to sexual assault. And experienced sexual assault lawyer can cast doubt on the prosecution’s case by presenting evidence that suggests the alleged victim consented to have sex. This is not a possible defense for sexual assault in Nevada if the victim was under 16 or mentally incapable, or physically incapable of consent.
3. No Sexual Penetration Occurred
According to NRS 200.366, only non-consensual penetrative sex is considered sexual assault. If the prosecution can’t prove that penetrative sex occurred, or there is insufficient evidence to prove penetrative sex occurred, then there is a defense to sexual assault.

4. Insanity/ Mental Incapacity
A criminal defense lawyer can opt for this defense, but it can be difficult to win with this one. This defense must prove that the defendant was legally insane by the strict standards of the Nevada law system either permanently, or during the time of the alleged incident. This will require that the defendant see a specialist for a full mental evaluation. This psychologist can be called as a witness, but they can only provide a medical diagnosis. They can’t confirm that the defendant was legally insane as per legal definitions.
Jesse Kalter is Experienced in Presenting Possible Defenses for Sex Crimes
Presenting possible defenses for sex crimes is not something a defendant should do on their own. Reviewing the evidence and building a defense for sex crimes charges is time consuming and difficult. To get the best possible outcome, it is highly recommended to consult with a criminal defense attorney. Jesse Kalter Law has achieved multiple “not guilty” verdicts at jury trials for sex crimes. Their pursuit of justice has gotten sex offence cases completely dismissed or charges reduced. They are available to serve Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Fallon, Fernley, Dayton, Yerington, Douglas County, and all other Northern NV rural counties.
A Reno Defense Attorney Ready to Present Possible Defenses for Sex Crimes
Contact Jesse Kalter Today for a Confidential Case Evaluation and Consultation
CLICK HERE to Contact Him Online or Call 775-331-3888