Criminal lawyer in Reno & Northern Nevada

Pandemic Trauma and the 2020 Crime Rate

Pandemic Trauma and the 2020 Crime Rate

Pandemic Trauma

The Stress of Pandemic Trauma Has Crime Rates on the Rise

The coronavirus ravaged the U.S. over 2020. Americans have been living under some form of “shelter in place” orders for nearly a year. As a result, people have lost their jobs, the economy has shuttered, and hospitals have been overrun. Some families have had to move in with relatives, while others have had to turn to their cars or homeless shelters. The safety net that many Americans felt over their lifetimes has been stripped and, even with a vaccine currently being distributed, returning to “normal” may not happen soon.

Many Have Developed PTSD as a Result of Pandemic Trauma

In an interview with Healthline Dr. Julian Lagoy defined PTSD trauma “as being exposed to a traumatic event, such as a sexual assault, war, a car accident, or child abuse. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic has qualities that qualify as a traumatic experience as it takes a physical and emotional toll on many people.”

A key indicator of PTSD is that a person has come to view the world as dangerous. This is a fear that has been realized in many Americans over the last year. Dr. Lagoy went on to say, “Some people during this pandemic feel more on guard or unsafe, have an increase in negative thoughts and feelings, and have problems with sleep and concentration — also symptoms of PTSD trauma.”

The best way to resolve this kind of anxiety is to talk it through with a licensed psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Yet, because of the pandemic, many people are scared to make an in-person appointment. Others just aren’t comfortable discussing these topics and would rather bottle it up.

The risks of untreated trauma can include:

  • Decreased physical health
  • Higher risk of suicide or self-harm
  • Nightmares
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Phobias
  • Substance abuse
  • Panic attacks
  • Anger
  • Irritability
  • Hopelessness

Unprocessed Pandemic Trauma Manifested Correlated With a Higher Crime Rate in 2020

According to FBI data, violent crimes, robberies, aggravated assaults, and car thefts were all higher, as compared to the same time the year before.

  • Murder and non-negligent homicide were up nearly 15%
  • 6% jump in aggravated assaults
  • 6% climb in vehicle thefts (Los Angeles, Denver, and Scarsdale, New York broke records for the number of cars stolen in 2020.)

Many other Americans turned to drugs and alcohol as a way to process trauma. The use of both has seen a very large spike, including the number of drug overdoses.

  • According to a study published in JAMA alcohol consumption was up 14% in June 2020, over the same time the year before.
  • An analysis conducted by Millennium Health showed steep increases in drug use following mid-March 2020.
    • Cocaine up 10%
    • Heroin up 13%
    • Methamphetamine up 20%
    • Non-prescribed fentanyl up 32%
  • Drug overdoses increased by 31% in the first half of 2020, as compared to the same time in 2019.

Jesse Kalter is Ready to Help Nevadans Recover from 2020

Many Americans have handled this pandemic trauma exceptionally well. But, whether due to a loss of a job, a loss of a home, or the loss of a loved one, others have not. Everyone processes trauma differently and if those choices have resulted in criminal charges, then you may need the help of an experienced attorney. Jesse Kalter can help you recover your life and get things closer to normal. Whether you are facing charges for theft, DUI, drug possession, public intoxication, aggravated assault, domestic violence, or homicide, Jesse Kalter is ready to fight for your freedom. His expert understanding of the judicial system has resulted in countless not-guilty verdicts, reduced charges, and complete dismissals. He is available to serve the people of Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Fallon, Fernley, Dayton, Yerington, Douglas County, and all other Northern NV rural counties.

Pandemic Trauma is Tough, But it Doesn’t Have to be the End.
Contact Jesse Kalter Today for a Confidential Case Evaluation and Consultation
CLICK HERE to Contact Him Online or Call 775-331-3888